Sunday, December 8, 2013

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree

 Both girls were super excited to decorate the tree. However, Leah was the only one who would pose. Juliet kept getting mad and running away.

Leah was very anxious to put on the ornaments, she kept trying to get me and Chris to put each ornament she found in a specific place. It was a slower process to get the ornaments up this year. Then she discovered she could put some on herself (she really didn't like the ones with hooks, she refused to try to put those on). Chris and I were laughing at the Leah clusters of ornaments that were all around the tree.

 Juliet was very good about taking off the ornaments. She kept taking them all off and going, "huh?!" All in all, both girls had a ton of fun! 
Buddy, our elf, even reappeared with the tree. He brought each girl a Christmas book. The LOVE looking for Buddy each day. He is one of my favorite traditions, too. 

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