Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Sicker, Sick, Sickest, Sicker

 Poor Babies! The stomach flu hit our house hard. Last week, on my last day with my Kindergartners, Leah woke up puking. I went back and forth between whether I should go to work or not, but really felt like I had to since it was my last day with my beloved class. Luckily Daddy was able to stay home with her. Leah was pretty sick and unable to keep anything down for almost 2 days. 2 days later, Juliet woke up puking. She was up most of the night getting sick, but woke up feeling fine the next morning, demanding to eat an English muffin with peanut butter and chocolate milk. I didn't want to give it to her, but she threw a huge fit and I figured if she had the energy for the fit, she just might be okay with the food. She needed a lot of extra sleep for a few  days (like 14 hours at night, along with 3-4 hour naps!), but didn't get sick again. 2 days later, I got sick. Way sicker than either of the girls. 2 days later, poor Daddy is sick, too. Luckily, his doesn't seem to be too bad. It's been like the worst timing ever with this illness. I was supposed to start my new position on Monday, and had to call off my first 2 days. Chris is working under a deadline, and was already behind due to working from home last Thursday and Monday to take care of his sick family. Our house is so unorganized and messy due to nobody having any energy or being too busy taking care of sick kids to do anything else. The TV has been on WWAAYY too much over the past week. Oh well. We are keeping our fingers crossed that we will all be better, soon, and able to stay healthy for our beach trip! 

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