Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Butterfly Release

 The little caterpillars the Easter Bunny brought us developed into butterflies. We had a lot of fun watching them grow, transform, and emerge from their chrysalis. The time had come to free them. Leah was excited to finally hold one. Juliet feigned excitement for a few minutes, then wanted nothing to do with the release. She doesn't really like unpredictable things.  But, she was mighty cute waiting for the release. 

 Leah enjoyed every second of the release. She was really hoping a few would stick around and enjoy the fairy house that she had built with Uncle Terry the night before, but they all flew away. Even the injured one that Chris had to perform butterfly surgery on. 
 Leah has been reading the book that came with the kit, and she wants to raise ladybugs next. We'll see...

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