Monday, November 6, 2017

Halloween Fun--Birds of a Feather Flock Together.

 We typically buy the girls costumes a year in advance. My favorite is when they want to coordinate. My two favorite years so far was when they were a witch and a kitty and Elsa and Anna. It doesn't always happen, but I always encourage it. Leah really wanted to be a peacock, and Juliet really liked the headpiece of the flamingo. I had to do almost no encouraging for coordinating costumes. Score! 
 Both girls were pleased as punch that their costumes came with fans. Leah loved that hers had a hoop skirt and real feathers, and Juliet liked standing on one leg and loudly saying, "Guess what I am? Guess! I'm giving you a clue!"
 We went trick or treating in DTP and Leah got to be a magicians assistant. I was telling the girls that I remembered trick or treating downtown when I was a kid. My mom always took me on "Devils Night". Is it still even called that? It was nowhere near as elaborate as it is now. But, I remember doing it a few times when I was a kid and always thinking it was pretty cool. Now it's during the day and they close off all the roads. 

 We still don't like Donald Trump. We would have never guessed a year ago when we took this same picture that he would actually become president. What a year. 
 We also went to a Halloween Daddy/Daughter Dance, but I didn't take one picture. Chris did get a video which was even better. Juliet was a great dancer. Leah was too busy socializing and eating to dance much. 
The girls were very excited for their class parties. I got to go to both of them because they were at different times. I walked the parade with Juliet. She was pretty excited to see all the costumes. 

 My beautiful girls. 
 As usual, Chris took the girls out trick or treating. Juliet lasted about 40 minutes and then was done. She hung out and watched Simpsons and ate about 10 pounds of candy. Leah and Chris went back out and got more candy. They saw a lot of their friends while they were out. It was a great night. We were up later than usual and were pretty tired for the rest of the week, but it was worth it. 
Happy Halloween! 

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