Saturday, December 23, 2017

Gingerbread Houses

 Leah had a day of dress rehearsal for her Christmas Spectacular on this day, and Juliet waiting as patiently as she could for Leah to come home so they could decorate their Gingerbread Houses. This is the second year that they've insisted on each having their own house.
 Juliet and her finished product. She probably eats twice the candy that she puts on her house. She always wants it to look good, but really prefers for one of us to decorate the majority of it for her, while she puts on random pieces and eats. 
 Leah prefers to do the entire thing herself with as little help from us as possible. She carefully monitors Juliet's candy consumption, and is quick to remind her to "STOP EATING ALL THE CANDY!" It takes her twice as long to make hers. Only when Leah finishes will she eat the leftover candy. This usually leads to arguments because Juliet wants to evenly split what's left and Leah feels like Juliet already ate her half. It's the traditional candy argument. We would never change it. 

 We took a while to write out our lists this year. This is what they came up with. Buddy and Holly took both lists back to the North Pole. 

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