Sunday, November 27, 2011


Chris and I say it all the time. Leah is the best. The most exciting news of the weekend is the Leah can READ. We were sitting in Olga's Saturday evening having Leah name shapes on her placemat. Chris and I argued over whether my sqaure was really a square or a rectangle as he and Leah both thought (it may have been a little rectangle-ish). I desided to practice letters with Sass, instead. I wrote L-E-A-H and had Leah name the letters. Then I said, "what does that spell?" Sassy's reply, "Leah". Chris and I were speechless. I know that other 27 month old kids may do this, too, but I couldn't believe she did it! We haven't even been practicing reading names, only naming upper and lower case letters (brag--Leah can name almost all upper case--V is the lone hold out, she confuses it for U). She is so smart and we count ourselves as very lucky to be her parents. We love her more than anything!

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