Sunday, November 27, 2011

First Movie!

Considering how much Leah loves Kermie the Froggie, we knew her first movie should be The Muppets. Daddy and I both loved the Muppets as kids. We headed to the theatre on Friday.

Leah was very excited about going to see Kermie the Froggie. We went and picked out some yummy snacks to sneak into the theatre (Reeses Pieces for Sassy) and bought her some popcorn. The first 15 minutes of the movie Leah kept busy eating, which was good because the first part of the movie was low on Muppets. During the middle part of the movie, Leah was good for the most part, but had a hard time sitting in her chair. She prefered to stand and move (much like she does at home). Towards the end of the movie, Leah fell down. She was very upset and insisted we, "Go Home!" I told her we could go home, but we couldn't come back. She took a deep breath and decided to stay. She did spend the last 10 minutes of the movie rolling around on the nasty steps. Oh, well. As we were leaving she said, "that was fun!" So, I think we consider that a success.

Look at that love for Kermie the Froggie!

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