Saturday, February 25, 2012

Oakland Zoo

I researched zoos in the Bay Area before leaving for California. I found some really good reviews of the Oakland Zoo. We decided to try it out. Sassy enjoyed the zoo for the first hour or so. Then she got an upset belly and got a little grumpy. She spent the last half hour or so demanding to be carried. Poor thing obviously wasn't feeling well still. I'm happy she enjoyed at least part of the zoo, though. The weather was beautiful, 80 and sunny. Her favorite animals this time seemed to be the monkeys, turtles, giraffes, and meerkats.

We took some family pictures at the end of the trip. I should have learned from the Toledo Zoo experience to take these types of pictures first. Sassy is obviously done (Nuk in mouth, sullen expression, papoosed to Mama). I wanted it to be a great experience for her, like the Detroit and Toledo Zoos were, but she was still not-quite herself. I think she enjoyed the zoo, but I think we'll plan another trip when she is 100%

I thought Sassy was being cute playing "peek-a-boo" in the leaves, but she was really just looking for some privacy with her upset belly.

Earlier in the week, Leah and Daddy were singing "Old MacDonald". Daddy put zebras on the farm, and invented a silly sound for them to make. When we came up to the zebras at the zoo, we heard a weird bird screeching sound/barking sound. Turns out it was the zebras. They did not make quite the cute, silly sound Daddy had them make in the song.

This adorable monkey just hung from a tree branch for over 5 minutes. It was really cute.

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