Thursday, March 8, 2012

On the Mend

Sassy and I both went to the doctor last week and found out we had both developed secondary infections. Sassy had an ear infection (her first ever) and I had a sinus infection (my first ever). We both got put on amoxicillian. Sassy loved her pink medicine, and asked for it every morning and every afternoon until the medicine was finished. The medicine took a few days to kick in, and Daddy was getting pretty overwhelmed with his sick, needy, whiny girls. Thankfully Leah and I are both now fully recovered.

PS-Thanks for making the bed skirt, Mom! It looks great in Lili's Pinkalicious room!
Though Leah was recovering last week, she was still all stuffed up. Leah was never a drooler as a baby. She has always been neat and tidy, and does not like to be "dirty". Last week, however, she drooled all week. By the end of the day the front of her shirt would be wet from the drool. I even thought about putting a bib on her, but thought she would be too humiliated. Sassy also got some extra leeway with her beloved Nuk. Typically, she only takes a Nuk at naptime/bedtime, but when she is sick, she uses it as her comfort object. Naturally, Daddy and I let her have it as often as she would like when sick. However, once it was obvious she was on the mend, it had to get banished back to the bedroom. It was tough for her to give it up last week. She would cry for her "Nnnuuuukkkkk".
Here is Sassy showing me what Baby Juliet looks like all curled up in the tummy. Leah is not so into her "Baby Sister" anymore. Before vacation, she would kiss my belly every night and press her foot onto my belly and say, "hi, baby sister". Now she just acts bothered that my large belly is in her way, preventing her from flopping on me as she sees fit.

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