Monday, March 10, 2014

A Few More Memories

 Chris and I joke that big things happen to Jelly Boo in Mexico. Last year, she stood unassisted for the first time in the exact same location as she is above. This trip, for the first time, she started insisting on walking up and down the stairs without holding on and stopped nursing! I wanted her to make it until she was 2, but I thought that it was silly to encourage her to keep nursing, only to make her give it up in a few months. She inconsistently nursed on vacation (previously she had always nursed before naps and bedtime). She gave it up for real within the past week.
 Leah is such a traveler. She just gets it. Although a few times she said, "I wish we could always do what I wanted when I wanted". You and me both, sister! She's been missing vacation lately, telling me we need to go back!
Juliet is a very neat child. She hates having a dirty face or dirty hands. She notices stains on her clothes. It was funny to see her get so messy eating a desert on vacation. She is such a cutie! Leah always wanted ice cream, but Juliet doesn't seem to care for ice cream as much as Leah. She thinks it's too cold sometimes!

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