Tuesday, March 11, 2014

We Tried to Play Outside

 So sad that I haven't played with my camera since returning from vacation much. Juliet woke up from nap one day last week so excited to go outside and play. She's been really interested in Leah's tricycle, so I got her a baby version. Our kids don't seem to be very good at bike riding, as they have pretty short legs and are just very petite in general. Leah just really figured out peddling and steering last summer. I thought the baby tricycle would be pretty good for Juliet. She really likes it. 
 It was so cold that both girls were shivering within 10 minutes, though neither wanted to go inside. Juliet kept whining about "riding" and Leah was lamenting that our nanny never takes her outside (could have something to do with the Polar Vortex that came in January and never left!). We played outside yesterday, again, for around 20 minutes. We are so ready for summer and so very unhappy about the 8 inches of snow we are supposed to get tonight (unless it means a snow day--then I'm okay as long as it melts fast!). 

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