Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Toledo Zoo Day

It's a tradition for us to go to the Toledo Zoo for 2 year old's. We went on Leah's birthday the year she turned 2. We couldn't make that work for Juliet, so we went a few weeks late. I learned from the last trip, though, and took the family picture by the fountain BEFORE exploring the zoo. I'm glad, because if we had waited, I'm sure we would have been worse then the below picture. :) 

We saw lots of animals. My favorite part was having lunch with a view of the giraffes and zebras. Juliet was so sweet as she was munching her sandwich and looking at the giraffes running. She kept saying, "Me happy, Me happy". 
 We also saw this cute little polar bear playing.
 Leah loved the carousal, but Juliet just wanted to "watch" so her and Daddy sat on the bench while I stood with Leah. Chris and I were laughing because Juliet thought nothing of riding an actual horse, but wanted nothing to do with the carousal. 

 The penguins had more ducks in the water than penguins. 

 A bear sleeping right against the glass. Juliet was convinced it was going to eat her (as she was with most of the animals she saw). Leah stood close by for a photo.  
 Leah trying hard to take a cute picture. Juliet had no interest. 
Sweet baby elephants. These guys were so cute! Juliet could have just watched them all day. Leah was not so into the elephants. 
 Naked Mole Rats! 
 Juliet was getting tired and ornery towards the end of the trip. She spotted a sand box and got a second wind. She played in the box while Leah went on another ( this time "historic") carousal ride. 
All in all, it was a fun day. And I'm glad I can cross off a zoo trip from our Summer To Do List. 

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