Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Costco Gingerbread House

 The above picture doesn't really have anything to do with our Gingerbread house, but I love it and it's sweet. Juliet has regressed a little with sleeping in her own bed. She often wakes up and comes into bed with us around 2 or 3. Usually she ends up perpendicular between Chris and I. This morning she was snuggled in with Chris. It must have been a Sunday, because I can't imagine how I would have been up before him.
 Anyway, we got our Gingerbread House at Costco (per usual). When we went to get it, a man stood in front of them, acting like he was blocking the way. Juliet yelled, "YOU MEAN!" at him. It was hilarious. 
 We got home and started decorating. For Juliet this means just eating copious amounts of candy. 
 My pictures always make this activity look like a Daddy/Daughter activity even though I do enjoy this and actively help (now making Christmas cookies, though, that IS a Daddy/Daughter thing--I make so much stuff with them that I feel like it's more special if they do it with their Daddy--though I do like to decorate them). 
 Juliet is pretending to help here, but is probably just plotting how to get the frosting away from Leah in order to suck it dry. 

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