Sunday, October 25, 2015

Trick or Treat, Part 1

 We went to Downtown Plymouth's Annual Trick or Treat event. Leah LOVES her witch costume. Juliet was Minnie Mouse, which was a Costco special we picked up a few months ago. Juliet like it, but is now very sensitive to "itchy" things, so she was pretty unhappy with the tights, ears, and dress (you know, the costume). She also doesn't like cold weather, so it was a little chilly for her (though she did actually wear a coat). Leah, as usual, was a rock star (which she usually is, especially when it involves candy).
 The girls were all dressed. We got to go around a little bit. Then Leah wanted her face painted. It was a long wait. Then we were all cold and hungry. It happens every year. We left after a bit to go to lunch. 
It was still fun and a great tradition.

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