Tuesday, March 15, 2016

100th Day Project -- American Girl

 Leah's 100 Day Project. Her teacher suggested that we look on Pinterest, but so many of those projects looked like they were parent projects. C and I gave Leah a few suggestions, and she liked the idea of collecting American Girls the most. She did the entire project herself. It took 2 catalogs. She cut, tallied, organized, and glued them all down. Chris and I tried to check that she had 100, but kept getting mixed up. Chris ended up having to cover them all up with Post-It's and count them based on that. She is right next to me saying, "I worked super-hard on that; to get all those American Girls."

She was so proud of herself and her work. We were proud, too! 

You can't really tell, but I did use bubble letters to write "Leah's 100 American Girls". Leah colored in the letters and gave the entire project a background. 

 Miss I-don't-take-naps-anymore has been taking naps again on the weekends. I love this picture of her and all of her dolls. I love when she gets into them. Leah's never been a huge creative-imaginative-play girl, so I love when I see her act like that with her girls. Her dolls are quickly outgrowing their closet and her closet (where all their furniture is kept), and Leah has been pushing for a bigger place for her dolls. Chris and I have been watching the real estate market in our area daily. Unfortunately, there have been very few houses that interested us. And, it's a sellers market which works well for us on the selling end, but not so good on the buying end. I don't want to live in an apartment while we wait. Now we are entertaining the idea of finishing the basement. Who knows!? 

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