Thursday, February 25, 2016

A few favorite pictures...

 Juliet Renee...She can't be talked into posing like Leah, but when she's in the mood, you get some pretty good results. I will always remember this trip as the trip that Juliet was really into her "babies". She packed these two, "Cutie Cute" and "Steve" respectively. She also packed about 3 others that were unpacked when she wasn't looking. She also met a "baby friend" who was about 1 year old that she played with most days. At the playground and kiddie pool, her eyes were always peeled for her "baby friend". 
 On our patio. The hats lasted for about 2 days before they got soaked in the ocean and never totally dried in the humidity. Also, they kinda stunk like the ocean.  At least their heads were protected for 2 out of 7 days. The rest of the time we would try to put sunscreen on the part of their hair.
 Juliet and her coconut water. This morning it rained from about 11-12. There was a guy out with coconuts and Juliet really wanted coconut water. I braved the rain to get it for her. She liked it okay. I remember when coconut water was all the rage when I was pregnant with her. I bought it one day thinking it was going to be really good. I thought it was gross. I got Chris and I coconut water and rum, which I thought would be good. It wasn't. I guess we're not coconut people. At least we got 2 straws out of the deal. 
 The distance from our hut to the dining room was maybe the equivalent of a block or two. Juliet got tired every day. Daddy would take pity on her and give her a ride. Juliet gets a little nervous to be "way up high" and clings to his head for dear life. It's pretty funny when he reminds her that she is gouging his eyes out. 
 This resort also had a pier. We were out there one morning and saw 3 stingrays. I got really freaked out about what was under me during my ocean swims, but I borrowed my dad's googles and didn't see any cause for alarm. There were some pretty cool fish, though. 
 Playing chess. Juliet and I would make up games involving ping pong balls and soccer goals while they played. I always lost. I like that Leah was into it, though. I never learned how to play.

 This dress. So many in the MJ world swooned over this dress and I never got it. A few weeks ago, someone was selling it for a steal so I bought it to see what the fuss was about. I get it now. 
Some mornings Juliet and I would swim in the "Cold Tub" aka hot tub. Juliet loved this raft that someone gave her. She would hold on and kick across the pool. She started to get braver in the water. I'm so glad! I hope she's ready to go back to Goldfish, soon. Also, how much does she look like Leah in this picture?!
 One afternoon Chris and I went swimming/snorkeling. I found a cool shell and dove down to get it. I thought there was a piece of seaweed stuck in it, but it was actually something else (alive). I wanted to save it for the girls to see, but got worried that he would get too hot in a bucket. After swimming him back, I found this guy. He also had a living thing inside of him, but I couldn't resist a few pictures. It was such a beautiful shell! It was like the ones you see people selling. I snapped a few pictures and swam him back (way back). It was so heavy!
 And there he is...looking annoyed at me. 
 Final sunset. The girls got their pictures taken by the same photographer we used last year. We watched the final sunset of our vacation. The photographer has lived on the island for years, so he was telling us about the island/our hotel. Apparently our hotel was built on a swamp, and years ago there used to be (live) crocodiles on the paths and in the pool. Yikes!
 Could there be a sweeter look than the one Juliet is giving her Grandpa?
 Leah posing in the hammock. She loved this hammock and called dibs on it every day. 

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