Monday, May 29, 2017

Geer School

 Leah was very excited to go back in time to the one room school house in Plymouth. She wore one of my old dresses that I found downstairs. I bought her a bonnet and a pail for her lunch. She really wanted an authentic experience, so I had to pack a different lunch than I typically do. She was insistent that she couldn't bring a Yumbox because Yumboxes didn't exist back then.
 There was an outhouse which she worked hard to avoid using. They did a lot of fun crafts. Leah was thrilled to come home with marbles and a quill. 
 Even more exciting is that she will get to do it again next year. Technically, it's a second grade trip. Because she's part of a split, she will get to do it twice. That is excellent news because she thought it was one of the best trips ever. 

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