Sunday, January 7, 2018

Christmas Morning

 I made these two take the annual stair picture before they could check out their presents. The older they get, the more they hate this tradition. However, in their old age, the process is much quicker!

Leah was up around 7:30 and apparently Juliet was up even earlier, but just laid in her bed. They were both SO EXCITED for Christmas this year!
 They both got a bunch of American Girl clothes and accessories that they were pretty happy with. 

 Juliet has been admiring this Barbie that you can do her hair and nails for a while now. They never got into regular Barbies, but Juliet really liked the idea of this one. However, it's been played with ONCE since Christmas, so I guess it was just something she liked the idea of. 
 Leah also got quite a few Lego sets. 
 Their big present was tickets to see Taylor Swift in August. Leah was excited, but I don't think Juliet really understands what a concert is. Leah was also very disappointed to realize that even though we were seeing her "in person", that we wouldn't be able to actually meet her and get her autograph. 
 Leah got some new "flippy" swag and make-up in her stocking. She was so proud to get herself ready and put on make-up Christmas morning. She looks so big here! The make-up is only for days when we are home all day-- not on school days or to wear in public.  
 Here are the girls with some of their favorite Christmas items. Leah loves her rock tumbler and Juliet was obsessed with her new gown and her riding unicorn. I really liked my new Louis Vittion purse, and Chris said he was pretty happy with his new slippers and coffee maker. 

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