Sunday, August 26, 2018

Bear is FOUR months!

Look at my Bear sitting! He is getting good. I keep reading in all my random baby emails that I get that sitting independently is the first sign he's ready for food, and I believe it. Teddy is especially interested in beer cans. He gazes at them intensely, and when they get close to him, he tries with all his might to hold them, or even taste them. We will hold off on food for a few more months if he will allow us to. 
Teddy continues to be such a happy addition to our family. Everyone loves him. Teddy is just about as agreeable and easy going as they come until you put him down to make dinner.  Then he will cry until he gags on a bad night. Otherwise, he is just a happy boy. He spends a lot of time getting held, and can get a little antsy if you put him down for *too* long, but these baby days are short and that is fine by me. I still hold him for most naps. I know I "should" put him down, but what if he is my last baby?!?! Chris will read that and roll his eyes. 
Teddy loves to hold on to you as you hold him. Right now he is sitting in my lap holding onto my arm. He frequently holds one of my bracelets or my hair. He also loves to stand up with some help. Often, he can stand independently by only holding onto our thumbs, without us holding onto him, if that makes sense. He gets a very proud look on his face when he stands. 
Teddy loves to smile and smiles all day long. He loves to talk. He likes to play "Patty Cake" and even more likes to give his sisters sweet hugs, then bop them a few times in the head. This makes him laugh and laugh. We say, "First the sweet....then the sour!" Leah and Juliet love to play with him and are very helpful to me when I need to get a few things done around the house. I was a little nervous about this age gap, but so far, it's been nothing but positive. The girls love to play with him, and aren't jealous of him at all. They understand when he needs something. If they hear him crying, they come investigate to see what's going on to see whether they can help. Teddy is reminded several times a day that he is the cutest and smartest baby in the entire universe and that he is loved so, so much. In fact, Juliet woke up from a dead sleep yesterday around 4am to list everyone she loved. Teddy was first. 

The only time Teddy cries (aside from when I make dinner) is when it sounds like people are fighting or too loud. Occasionally, we will play fight/wrestle together as a family. Teddy gets very upset when this happens. He only wants peace. 
 Teddy is getting really into his toys. His favorite toy is a little piano that also makes sea characters jump around and plays music. He is working hard on rolling over, but not there quite yet. When I lay him on his stomach with a boppy underneath, his little legs just go and go. We can tell that he would love to crawl. He can pull himself up pretty high up on his arms when on his stomach. He is also getting really interested in his fingers. He likes to put as many as possible into his mouth to chew. He seems to favor his left hand, so we wonder whether he will be a lefty like his mama. 
 Teddy continues to be large and in charge. 3-6 month clothes still fit well for the most part, but are by no means big. He is in a size 2 diaper, but just today I really noticed that size 3 would probably be a better fit (he wears size 3 at night). We will finish this box and move him on up! Teddy sleeps 5-6 hours straight most nights. He's still swaddled for the first half of the night. For the second half, I unswaddle him and let him sleep on his tummy (by far his favorite position!). 

Teddy's eyes are still blue and his hair is still super blond. His legs have rolls upon rolls. Teddy is perfect in every way and so loved and adored. Every day I say, "I never knew how much I needed a baby boy!"

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