Sunday, September 9, 2018

Family Pets

Brain and his boy. It's crazy to remember that I've had Beast since my days on Charles Street at MSU. Chris picked out Brain (I kinda liked his sister better--NEVER tell him that!). He's been moved a few times, seen us get married, woken us up by giving his rabbit some attention, pooped on our suitcase after we went to Italy for 16 days, sat on my pregnant belly, taken up the bed, and cuddled three babies now. Occasionally, we all worry that he's getting old. I hate actually tallying up how old he is because it scares me. He's got a lot of life left, though, and I hope he's around long enough for Teddy to remember him, too. Then we will get him cloned and start the whole process over. 
 I've started calling Tilly "Cookie" like the cat from "Cookie's Week". He is a total stinker. But he's got a lot of personality. Juliet is still unsure of him, even though he was supposed to be "her" pet. 
 Weekend sleepover in our room. Now Ollie thinks he can get in the kids' beds. 

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