Friday, April 26, 2019

March Photo Dump

 Well, I suck at blogging. Just realized I haven't imported any pictures from my "real" camera since Christmas. Shocking! These are all phone pics. We went climbing at Lifetime with Juliet's GS troop. They were pretty good! Leah made it all the way to the top, and Juliet got a few feet up. This was a bit scary for her, so I was super proud that she was brave and courageous. 

 For March is Reading Month, there was dress like your favorite book character day. Leah and her friends were The Baby-Sitters Club. Leah was Stacey, who was always my favorite character. Juliet and her friend were Elephant and Piggie. 

 I never want to forget how we slept. Chris, with Brain on his head, and Teddy between us. 
 We've not gone to Diversity Night ever. Each year, Leah or Leah and Juliet beg to go, but there is always something else going on. It's always on a Friday night, too, which is just about the last time I ever want to do anything. We went this year. It was fun, but crowded. And hot. We tasted a lot of good food from the different countries! The girls had fun. 

 I love watching these two leave everyday. I like when they walk and talk in their own world of elementary-ness. 
 There was also a "Dress Like a Superhero" day as part of March is Reading Month, and Juliet went as Princess in Black. 
 The 3rd Graders had a Biography Fair, and Leah presented as Katherine Dunham. She did an amazing job! She did a report, and shared with many people during the 1 hour Open House in the Cafeteria. Afterward, her voice hurt! 
 Juliet came to support! 

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