Sunday, December 8, 2019

Happy TENTH Birthday, Leah!

Leah Bean. You are 10. That is one entire decade old. I remember when I turned 10, someone gave me a pin that said I was double digit years old now, and I thought that was the coolest thing and meant that I was practically an adult. It doesn’t seem like that was true for me, but then I think of you being 10, and how fast life moves, and I think you practically are an adult! You've always been an "old soul", and I can sometimes see "glimpses" of adult Leah, while also sometimes seeing "gimpses" of baby Leah.

You have had many changes this year. You started a new school, joined the competitive dance team, taken several trips (California, Outer Banks, and Washington DC), read an insane amount of books, had chronic leg pain as a result of strep, learned you needed to get your tonsils out, and continued to be an amazing daughter and sister.

You love junk food. Like really love it. You may get in trouble more than we would like because you ask for candy and ice cream constantly. You’ve grown more out of your “beige” food phase and now like a wider variety of foods. After considering trying salad for a few months, you finally did and now proclaim to "love salad". You ate a super hot kind of chip that a friend gave us that apparently makes adults cry. You needed a bit of bread after, but you didn’t flinch or cry. You say you like hot and spicy food! 

You love to dance. I wasn’t sure about you being a competitive dancer, to be honest (also: I’m still not sure), but you say you love it. You organize your dance bag and never complain about going or the long hours you are at the studio. You have obvious natural talent as a dancer, and we all enjoy watching you. We can't wait to see you and Juliet perform in the Christmas show!

You continue to love to read. Your bag usually weighs at least 20 pounds because you carry around 5-10 books at all times. Any time we get in the car, you have a book. You keep a mental list of books you would like to read in your head at all times. You absolutely love school book fairs, the Target and Costco book aisles, and the school and local library. You’ve been going through a Greek Mythology phase (you even named your hermit crab Aphrodite), but also love Garfield comic strips, any graphic novels, and books that are part of a series. You get some phrases and expressions from books that make Daddy and I smile when we hear you use.

You are very helpful! You and your sister help me every day. I can depend on you both to empty the dishwasher, take your clothes upstairs and put them away, feed the animals, that the sheets off your bed and remake it with clean sheets, and help with Teddy. I taught you how to make scrambled eggs 100% by yourself.  You are very proud of this. You are naturally tidy and that makes me so happy as our current house feels tighter and tighter every day (though you need to be reminded everyday to put away the 5-10 books you keep with you at all times). This year, before school, you came into my office and organized my desk and shelves. You helped me so much! My desk had never been neater! Sometimes I give you extra chores to go into my bathroom or bedroom and clean up. You always do a great job and I am so thankful for your help!

You still love your long hair, though your love of “twirly dresses” has faded so much more than I would like. You still have a unique style. I can see a crowd of kids and pick out who you would be friends with based on how they look. I can’t really explain it, but I know it when I see it. You like fashion. And you like to shop. The only problem with that is that you are still a little young to wander stores alone, so when we shop together, we spend much more time in the kids section than the adult section. You love Justice, Claire's, pretty much any store (except Meijer--poor daddy is always asking for one of you girls to go grocery shopping with him on Sundays and is typically turned down).

You are a trooper. This year we’ve had to make some relatively tough decisions for you: deciding to send you to TAG, deciding to remove you from TAG mid-year, deciding to take out your tonsils. We’ve talked about these decisions as a family, and Daddy and I have been so amazed with your understanding of priorities and with your own cost/benefit analysis. Years ago, you would have stayed awake at night worrying about these big changes, but now you are much more relaxed and understanding and accepting of these large changes. 

You have good friends and make friends easily. Momoka, one of your very best friends, is moving back to Japan soon. This makes you both sad. You two play so well together! This was your "friend party" year, and you asked us if instead we could let you have Momoka over for a sleepover. We agreed. You two had so much fun, and gave me a little glimpse into how this will become a more common occurrence.

You are still very close with Juliet. On Friday nights Daddy and I enjoy having a few glasses of wine downstairs to decompress from the week. You and Juliet go upstairs to our room and watch random Netflix or Disney Plus shows and eat some pre-negotiated junk food. When Juliet is waiting for you to come home from dance to have this Friday night ritual, she is just so excited for you to come home. TV and snacks in Mommy and Daddy's bed is just not as fun without her big sissy. She rarely goes upstairs without you. She just wants to be with you. I love how when I give either of you a little surprise and say, "this is just for you", the first thing you both say is, "what about, Leah/Juliet?" You guys take care of each other and look out for each other. You can be sassy as heck with each other, but you two are so close, too. 

We love you so, so much! Thank you for being patient and waiting for this post (you've been reminding me about this for a few months). This fall has been insane schedule wise, and I fear this is just our new normal. 

Happiest of Birthdays, Sweet Girl.
Love you, Leah Loo.

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