Sunday, December 8, 2019

Leah and Juliet's Family Birthday Party

This year was our no friend birthday party year. It was nice to have their birthdays be a little more relaxing! We had a family party in August. The kids looked so cute all matchy-matchy!

 Some friends are like family. 
 Uncle Terry. The best Uncle!

 After the pinata we had a scavenger hunt for Leah to find out what her 10th birthday present would be! Years ago, awake and nursing Juliet one night in the middle of the night in the rocking chair, I decided that each kid would get a fun "experience trip" for their 10th birthday. We've talked about it a lot over the past 8 years. LOL! We had Leah pretty convinced that because Teddy was so young, and we just went to OBX, that her experience vacation would be to Colony to go swimming for the day and *maybe* the Science Center another weekend. I could tell that she found that disappointing, but it seemed as though she understood. 

After the pinata, she got a piece of string that led her to different clues: American Flag earrings from Justice, film for her camera, and "Washington DC for Kids". She followed the string to our Summer Bucket list which had a square for "Do Something Fun for Leah's Birthday". Next to the box were plane tickets to DC. She as SO EXCITED! 
 The girls wanted us to make them an ice cream cake like we had a few years ago. Usually we buy them, but I think homemade is probably always better. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The daughter putting up 2 fingers and showing her undies isn't on accident--- she wants 2 fingers!