Saturday, November 17, 2012

Santa Claus is Coming to Town

 We have been talking about Santa for a while now. After a particularly rough Costco experience when Sass saw a "super-dee-duper big Tangled Doll" and had to have it, "right here, right now". We decided to think carefully about what Leah wanted for Christmas, and write Santa a letter. We took the "shared pen" approach that I use in the early days of Kindergarten each year, and Sass did a great job stretching sounds and recording the letters she heard. We made a complete list for Kris Kringle. Sass was so excited to write the letter and to put it in the mailbox for Santa. 
 Sassy decorated the envelope and sealed it up with stickers. Sassy and Daddy put the letter in the mailbox.
 She checked the next day and was so excited to see that Santa had picked up the letter! 
 Now Leah gets really excited when she sees Christmas trees. She started telling a little girl in CVS yesterday all about her letter to Santa, and went through her entire list by memory (she also does this everyday, just inserts the entire list into random conversation). 
Disclaimer: I am not sharing Sassy's list to spur present ideas. Santa obviously has everything on the list (and probably more!) covered. After all, Sassy has been a good girl this year. I just wanted to share her work. 

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