Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy 10 Months

 Jelly Boo,

I apologize for having your 10 month post be a bit (over 2 weeks....) late. You were sick and I didn't want pictures of you when you looked miserable. 
 You being sick is kinda the story of your 1st year. You poor thing. Between having a Mommy who is a Kindergarten teacher, a sister who just started preschool, and putting your fingers in your mouth whenever you are get sick a lot. This time it was a crusty nose, coughing, and an inability to sleep anywhere but upright in the rocking chair at night. Poor thing! You kicked it, though, and are back to being the happiest baby on record.  
 This month you started to walk! You walked right around your 10 month birthday! We thought Leah would beat you on this milestone, but you pretty much tied her. At first, you preferred to crawl instead of walking, but now you prefer to walk (unless you know you need to get somewhere fast--like a toy that Sissy is going for). 
 You have 8 teeth, and no signs of any more. You love to eat. This month your favorites were cottage cheese and toast with baby food smeared on top. You also love beans! You still nurse. You like to nurse before bed and nap time. You wake up 2-8 times a night to nurse (twice on a good night, once an hour on a bad night). When you are sick, you are up often. Typically, it's twice a night. 
 You are so happy. When you get really happy, you throw your head back and smile and do a happy growl/squeal.  
 You still say Mama and Dadda. No new words this month! 
 You don't love it when I put headbands on you. You pull and pull on them until you get them off. We'll have to work on that. 
 This month you moved into size 6-12 month shirts. Size 3-6 pants months still fit you, though. 6-12 are too big (except for a few select pairs). You wear size 3 diaper. 
You continue to think that your sissy is the coolest person on earth. Sometimes she gets a little too rambunctious  though, and you have to get Mommy to protect you.  You like for Mommy to hold you, too. You would prefer to be carried around as Mommy does her chores. 
We love you so, so, so much, Jelly Belly Boo Boo!

I can't believe you are almost 1 (tear)!
