Sunday, March 17, 2013

Small But Mighty

 It's time for Juliet's 10 month pictures and update, but she is battling a nasty cold, so I've been waiting to take her picture until the constant stream of snot stops pouring from her nose. Poor girlie Boo. She hasn't slept AT ALL over the past 4 nights. On Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday night I ended up having to hold her in the rocking chair upright for hours over the course of the night. She has slept like a baby koala bear. I feel so bad for her, but she doesn't let it impact her disposition. She still tries her best to be happy and smiley  However, when she is feeling really, really yucky she cries hard and tries to explain her woes to you. She just babbles and babbles as pathetically as she can about her ailments. It's by far one of the cutest things she's done this month. 

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