Sunday, October 13, 2013

Jelly Belly Boo Update

 Sweet Girl,

Yesterday was your 17 month birthday! It is going by so, so quickly. Today when I was putting you down for your nap, I was thinking about the differences between you and Leah. It goes back to the first ultrasound. Leah looked like a little bean, just sleeping quietly. We were in such awe when she moved her tiny flappy fin/arm. You were right in the center, dancing around, and looking quite more developed than she was, though you both measured 8 weeks, 1 day. The second ultra sound you were floating on your head. We had to go back for a second because you wouldn't cooperate. 

You love to be "big". You cannot handle if Leah is able to do something and you are not. You understand if it there is a "kids can't do this rule". But you are heartbroken if it is a "baby can't do this rule". You love to jump, play, run, and hide just like your big sissy. You both have the exact same giggle that I can't tell apart if I'm not looking at you two. 

You seem to have a really good grasp of language. You follow directions pretty well. You (like Leah) are a born pleaser, and like to do the right thing (most of the time!). If anyone offers anyone else in the house a compliment, you have to point to how great your thing is, too. If Leah is wearing a twirly dress, you have to twirl, too. If Leah gets a compliment for her bow, you point to yours or run to the stairs saying "B!" because you need one, too.  When I ask who is pretty or who loves you, you point at yourself. 

You give the best hugs ever. You hug and hug and pat and pat. You are such a cuddler. You go to sleep for naps and at night time by being rocked and cuddled. You never fight it like your sister did. Like Leah, when you are tired you find some of Mommy's skin to rub. You still suck your 2 fingers, and do not like the idea of stopping. You only suck them when you are tired or sleeping, though. You are pretty cuddly and love to hang out in your Mommy's lap. You love to be held and carried around unless we are out in public, and then you pretend like you don't know me because you are too busy exploring. 

You are LOUD! Daddy and I have to make a conscious effort to not immediately assume Leah is doing something wrong when you scream and scream. You yell, "MINE!" all the time, even if the toy/book in question belongs to Leah and you snatched it out of her hands. Sometimes you just scream as loud as you can for fun. It is ear piercing.

You like things clean. You do not like disorganization. You are great at helping Mommy and Daddy clean, too. You understand the system for our toy chest, and put things back in the right place.

You LOVE babies. They are your favorite toy. You love to carry them, diaper them, and help feed them. "Baby" is probably your favorite word. You point out babies every time we go out. They are usually bigger than you! You are also really into "I-Spy" books. You love to look for the hidden pictures and point them out.

You can say a good chunk of words. Your favorite words are: Mommy, Daddy, Ee-a (Leah), baby, uppie, kitty, doggie, duck, quack, car, bye (which you say in a Southern drawl), no, and ya (yes). You say other words, too, but you are awake from your nap now, and I need to wrap this up. :) You communicate the most through pointing, though. You are quick to show us what hurts when you fall or who did it by pointing. You point very accusingly and demand results for the person, animal, or piece of furniture that injured you. You also point to food and toys that are out of your reach that you want. You are very good at letting us know what you need.  

You are still pretty little. You wear some 6-12 month clothes and some 12-18 month clothes. You still wear a size 3 diaper. I was pretty proud of the picture below because you were wearing jeans. Last year, you hated jeans. You cried and cried and pointed at them until I took them off. This pair you seemed to like. They were a hand me down pair of Leah's and much softer than other jeans. 

We think you are the cutest thing ever, and other people seem to, too. You get lots of compliments when we are out and about.

We love you! 

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