Monday, April 28, 2014

Easter Egg Coloring

 The girls were very excited to paint eggs. They put on their "play jammies" and got ready for the fun. Since Chris and I both got dye all over our hands (that did not wash out), we only let Juliet use water color to paint her egg. I don't think she really knew the difference. She still had fun. 
 Leah got it, and had fun painting several eggs. She was really into pink eggs this year, and wasn't as experimental as she was in the past with different colors or dyes. That's okay. 
This year Cooper was staying with us during Easter Break. As Leah puts it, "Cooper needs grown up food in his food before he'll eat it." So, that's what we used all the Easter Eggs for. Cooper was pretty happy, and we were happy to not have to waste the eggs. 

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