Monday, April 28, 2014

Juliet's First Movie

The above picture pretty much sums up the experience. It's like she's saying, "Why am I here?!"
I don't know, Jelly Boo. Your Mama thought you could handle it. I'm sorry I was wrong.  
Leah's first movie was right around 2, and she did pretty good. I thought Juliet would follow Leah's lead and be okay. Leah really wanted to see Muppets Most Wanted. Chris took an extra day off a few weeks ago, and we (okay, I) thought it was the perfect opportunity to see a movie like a family and to paint some furniture. Juliet liked the popcorn the best. She ate it for about 15 minutes, and was then full. Then, Juliet made it through the previews (kind of) and spent the first 15 minutes of the movie dancing in the aisle. 
We spent the rest of the movie playing in the lobby. After about a half hour, her diaper somehow came off and she peed all over her pants and the floor of the lobby. The bathroom was very traumatizing for her. Then she complained about being "cold" for the last 45 minutes, even though she refused to put on her jacket because she wanted to be like Leah. We tried to go back into the theater a few times, and Juliet flat out refused to do anything besides run in the aisle or try to put her finger into electrical sockets. Leah apparently whined the entire time I was off with Juliet that she missed Mama, but refused to leave the movie. 

Needless to say, Juliet will get a babysitter next time we are in the market for a kids movie at the theater. 

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