Saturday, April 12, 2014

Jelly Boo

 I looked at the above picture and I got so sad. My little baby looks like a girl. She is almost 2 now, and I can't believe how fast it has gone. She's not as verbal as Leah was at this age, but she is much more independent. She can put on her own coat, walk around in dress up shoes like nobody's business, and plays by herself much more than Leah did at the same age. Recently she has been taking more risks with her language, and is putting together 3 or 4 word phrases/sentences. Even when she can't find the words, she still knows how to get what she wants. We were in Sephora last week. She LOVES makeup and was in heaven. She was watching an older lady get a "make over". When she was done, Juliet walked up to an associate, pulled her coat. The lady asked her name and she said, "Boo-Boo" (her name for herself). Then she pointed to the make up chair and started making kissing sounds. The lady actually picked her up and put some makeup on her. Juliet was thrilled. 
 Juliet also loves to play Mama. She carries around her baby and tucks her in. She also loves to play tea party and loves to make plates of food. She has a much better "imagination" than Leah did at the same age. It's so interesting for me to compare and contrast these two. They are so similar in so many ways: both love to cuddle, both LOVE books and could be read to all day, both love puzzles, both love to wear dresses and look "pretty", both love make up. 
 Like Leah did at 2, Juliet is going through a "2" phase. She loves to notice when there are 2 of things. She didn't want pig-tails until Leah pointed out that then she would have "2". Then Juliet was insistent. 

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