Sunday, January 8, 2017

Sister Gift Exchange

 The girls did their annual sister exchange. In keeping with last year's tradition, they both bought each other American Girl Stuff. Leah got Juliet Kit's Holiday dress, and Juliet got Leah a ballet costume for her doll. They both got each other books, too. Leah got "The Book With No Pictures" which she finds completely hilarious, and Leah got Juliet a Click Clack Moo holiday book. Both kids were happy (though Juliet was a little bit of a stinker about the book. Leah wanted her book, so she was super excited. Juliet had never seen or heard of her book before so she was irrationally angry that Leah was more excited than she was).

I think this is the last year Leah will wear the "Merry Christmas, Ya Filthy Animal" shirt. She thinks it is quite embarrassing. She somehow has the idea it offends Santa's reindeer, though she has seen Home Alone more times than I can count, and knows the line comes from the movie (which never even touches on reindeer). Chris and I said that we were going to get shirts next year. We think they are awesome!

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