Monday, October 16, 2017

When Daddy Came Home!

About 3 days into our Maui trip, Chris got word that a case not projected to go to trial, was actually going to trial. In like 3 weeks. Chris worked as much as he could in Maui, got off the plane in Detroit at the end of our trip, came home, took a shower and went to work. That was basically the last we really saw of him for 6 weeks.

He worked about 2 weeks of 18 hour days before leaving for Chicago for the trial. While we spent our last few week of summer there, and returned for Labor Day weekend, it was hard for everyone to adjust to the temporary new normal of not really seeing or talking to Chris, with the exception a few fun experiences that we managed as family while there.

I was very proud of our girls. Chris has never had a trial like this. He lived in Chicago, without returning to Michigan, 1 day short of a month. While we all missed Daddy greatly, the girls were able to adjust. I was especially proud of Leah who took on a great deal more responsibilities while Chris was gone. She helped me clean up and tidy the house everyday. She never complained at bed time, even though Juliet got put to bed first every night for about 6 weeks. Both girls got really good at helping with Ollie, and can let him in and out now like pros. We took family walks most nights without Chris, and they walked with me instead of riding their bikes like the normally do. It was so fun to hear what they wanted to talk about and how they opened up on these walks.

The girls were so good, we promised them something big and fun to do like a family. We haven't exactly figured out what that and when that will be--but it will happen. They deserve it!

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