Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Happy Birthday, Jelly Boo!

Jelly Boo,

How is it that you are 6?! I'm pretty good with the birthdays 1-5. But when you start having to use 2 hands to show how old you are, I get a little choked up. You think it's funny that I feel a bit sad!
Like Leah did in Chicago, you wanted to open up all your presents in your pajamas in our bed on your birthday. Wish granted! You got some great presents! From us, you got an iPod and speaker, nightlight, and few other small things. From Leah, you got an emoji pillow, a personalized hairbrush  (both of which Leah has and you frequently admire) and a face mask and squishy chap-stick key chain. This was the first year that Leah used some of her own money for your gift. She protested initially, but had a lot of fun at the store seeing what she could buy using her own money. Teddy got you a pair of grown up looking sunglasses.
The thing everyone comments on about you is how joyful you are. Most of the time, you are a smiley happy little thing. You love to say or do zany things to make other people smile or laugh. You have funny catch phrases or expressions. Daddy and I love "soon enough.....". You repeat things that Daddy and I have said almost verbatim months later. You have a great vocabulary and it's funny to hear you use higher level words while at the same time having the voice and the occasional speech miscue of a little girl.
Speaking of Speech, you were discontinued. Mrs. "Speech-han" spent the better part of this year trying to prepare me for the fact that you weren't going to qualify for much longer. Initially, I wanted you out of speech as soon as possible, but as time went on, I really appreciated all the one-on-one time you were getting with your teacher and how crazy fast you grew. Daddy and I saw big improvements over the time you spent in speech. Now, everyone agrees that you no longer need speech. Go Boo!
You and Leah really liked the idea of these face masks. Many times, at Meijer, you would ask if we could buy them. Leah got you one for your birthday, and you were scared of it! You refused to put it on. Daddy got a nice facial instead.
You get so many compliments about what a good girl you are. All your teachers love you and would often stop me in the hall to tell me a funny story about you. You keep everyone entertained for sure. You are not a rule breaker, though. You get upset when other kids break the rules. At your birthday party, another little girl was talking "potty talk". You didn't like that at all. There are a few kids in your class that can be a bit naughty. You can't believe their behavior.
While you would never, ever have a melt down around others, you don't mind having them at home. Daddy and I have always joked that you feel things very deeply. You can be particular, and get upset when things don't meet your expectations. Then you bemoan, " this is the worst day ever!" A few weeks ago you came home from a party after 10 pm with Daddy. You walked into our room and cried,"I hit the wall!!" Lately you get extremely upset when you have no clean capri leggings. That 2 inch inseam difference means everything to you. Those instances are, of course, balanced with frequent hugs and kisses and proclamations of, "This is the best day ever!" or "Best Mama or Dada ever!"
We had your birthday party at Creatopia where you painted pottery. You took the party planning very seriously. We had to go over and over the guest list because you wanted to invite so many kids. At $20 a kid, we had to set a limit! You painted a turtle nightlight. We can't wait to see how it turns out!
You are still a bit of a homebody. You don't like to run errands. Ever. Even with promises of "sweetening the deal". You do enjoy play dates and are always trying to arrange them with your friends.You love to be outside. You love to wear flip flops. On a recent project at school, you had to list everything you love. After family, you listed "sunny days", followed by the pool. Now that the weather is warmer, you and Leah love to play outside. You swing, make "potions", and listen to music and dance.
You still love mac and cheese, cereal, chocolate milk, water,  peanut butter and jelly sandwiches/bagels, chips and dip, most fruit, and many vegetables. Your palate can be finicky, though. For the longest time you loved "cuties" or mandarin oranges. Then, all of a sudden you had one that was "too hairy". Now you won't touch them. Something similar happened with tacos and the chips and cheese lunchable. However, you are much more willing to try new foods than your sister is.
You do gymnastics, dance, Girl Scouts, and soccer. You surprised us all by loving soccer! You report that you love to run and enjoy being "sporty". When you hear music, you just have to dance. You also love to sing, and frequently make up your own songs. You are always drawing and forever asking for more paper. Daddy and I cherish the J+M (Juliet + Mommy) and J + D (Juliet + Daddy) papers you give us. When you came into my office each morning, you would always draw me a picture and say "Here is your picture for the day!"
You are so kind hearted. You pretty much always let Leah get her way.  You save candy to share with your sister and when given a choice, will pick a candy that you can share with her (she can't have gummy candy due to her expander). If there was a reward for positive sister unprompted kind actions, you would win 9 times out of 10. That's not to say that Leah doesn't love you, because she very obviously does. Though neither of you would likely admit it, you guys are the bestest of friends. You also love Teddy. You love to hug and kiss him. You love to read him books. Sometimes you can be a bit rambunctious, but it's just because you love him so much. You waited so long for your own little sibling. It makes me so happy that you got one.
You have your own style, but still get excited when I show you a dress that I love.  I was so happy that you liked your birthday dress as much as I did. On your birthday, you were thrilled to pick out Leah and Teddy's outfits.
You love to watch movies and frequently ask if it is movie night. Lately, you love watching The Greatest Showman and Austin Powers. It was hilarious afterward to hear you go around saying things like, "Talk to the hand, girlfriend!" You love to watch Glee, Just Add Magic, The Simpsons, and the occasional Barbie Dreamhouse (gag). You learned to use the remote to operate our Smart TV and you are pleased as punch that you can turn on your own show from one of the apps now.
We love you so incredibly much, and can't begin to imagine life without Boo. We hope you have the best year yet!

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