Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Teddy Bear is ONE MONTH!

Teddy says, "that is shocking!"
I cannot believe our little T. Bear is one month old. I think I've been on such a high that it is only in the past few days that I've started feeling tired and run down (like normal women feel in the first month with a new baby). T. Bear is the best baby ever. He rarely cries or gets cranky. When he wakes up in the middle of the night, he just grunts. He really only cries when he is naked or getting his diaper changed (especially if you use a cold wipe--the boy is spoiled and obviously prefers a warmed wipe!). 
 Teddy loves to be held. He is getting better at allowing himself to be put down, but let's be honest--I don't want to put him down. I'm all too aware of how fast this time goes, and "just hatched" infancy is my favorite baby stage. Of course I love them all, but there is something very magical about waiting and planning for a little baby, and then, all of a sudden, they are here, and everything completely changes and you feel SO overcome with love for your baby. I love getting to know my babies and snuggling them as much as possible. The weirdest thing I love to do is smell their little breath. It only has that "special smell" for the first few months. I adore the smell of Mustela and rubbing little baby heads as they sleep. Even with my history, I am still trying to talk Chris into *one* more. Teddy would like a sibling one day, I'm sure. Unfortunately, I think my chances are pretty darn low. 
Teddy woke up on his one month birthday (at 4 am) smiling. He'd been practicing for a while, but I wasn't ready to call them intentional. When I laid him down and started talking to him to take his picture, he lit right up. So, I'm calling his one month birthday as his first intentional smile. He's kept it up, too. So far, he's not quite as smiley as Juliet was, but she didn't really start smiling until around 5 weeks, so there is time for him to close the gap. Leah was Miss Serious and didn't really start smiling until closer to 6-7 weeks. He's also cooed a few times. It's the cutest sound in the entire world. I can't wait for him to do it more! 
Teddy is a big boy! He outgrew almost all of his newborn clothing by 4 weeks. According the pediatrician, he is in the 95% for height at the 75% for weight. Both girls started off around the 40% percentile (except their heads--we make big headed babies!). Teddy loves to be warm and needs a blanket at all times or his little gums chatter. He also has a "chattering" leg. I've read that many babies have it and it's due to an immature/developing central nervous system. 
 Teddy and I start off most days by taking a walk around the neighborhood. Around 11, we settle in for a nap. I try to get a few things done here and there around the house, but I'd much prefer to cuddle with my boy. We don't leave the house much. Most days I think about running some errands, but then just end up Amazon Priming the things to the house. Teddy does pretty well in the car seat, though, which I am keeping my fingers crossed continues. I think I  still have Post Traumatic Stress from driving around with Juliet when she was an infant. We end most afternoons by watching 90210. Teddy occasionally gets cranky in the evenings, which makes making dinner hard, especially when Chris has the girls at an activity. They come home hungry, so I like to have dinner ready for them. When I am the only one home, though, it's hard because Teddy wants to be held and I'm scared to have him around a hot stove. We've made it work, but I dread those days. 
We love this boy so much. We waited a long time for him, but it was so worth it. We were out at our favorite Mexican restaurant (the same one we went to the day before he was born) and Leah found an eyelash on my face. She LOVES to find eyelashes and to make a wish or watch others make a wish. I've had the same wish for years--a healthy baby. She gave it to me to blow on and I had no idea what to wish for. It was the sweetest feeling. We got our healthy baby. And, as a great bonus, he is handsome and smart and so ding dong adorable!

We love you Teddy Bear! 

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