Saturday, November 24, 2018

Halloween 2018

This year we did a family costume. It was so much fun to all be involved. We all agreed to do family costumes for as long as everyone allows. Not sure how many more years we have (if any!).

Last year around this time, Chris and I were watching Game of Thrones. We were really into it and because I was in my first trimester, and ESPECIALLY scared and looking for distractions, and also super lazy and tired, there were many weekends when Chris and I would send the kids away and watch a few episodes. An idea was born! 

While Leah and Juliet never watched it, we told them the story, and they were on board for being an "evil queen" and "mother of dragons". We picked Leah's costume BEFORE we saw that her and Jon Snow closed the last season. 
 Leah made a fierce Daenerys Targaryen!

 Teddy made a great dragon. He was kinda the loser of costumes this year. I never found a dragon costume that I loved. I decided it was lame to spend money on a costume I didn't like. So he got this headdress and a clip on tail and we called it a day. 
 Juliet was an amazing Cercei Lannister. She took her drinking seriously.  

We went trick or treating several times. We did the Summit and the girls felt ready for the Haunted House again this year. They went in with Chris while I waited with Teddy. Juliet came out crying, but Leah said it was scary but okay. One of my all time favorite Halloween memories (but so not funny at the time) was when I took the girls alone 2 years ago and they were so scared and some clueless 16 year old tried to scare Juliet as she was clinging to my leg crying. I was so mad that I came home and wrote them a strongly worded email about how mad and annoyed I was. 
 Chris was able to do some interesting things with his facial hair. This was an angry crab. He went to soccer with it, and one of our friends just talked with him normally. I was texting with her later and she was like, "I didn't want to say anything. I didn't know what he had going on and I didn't want to look at it too closely." haha! 

 It was a great year weather wise and the first year I went for the majority of the time. We left the candy out on our doorstep and walked around as a family. Juliet was done after about an hour, so we sat at home and answered the door. Bear had a lot of fun looking around at everyone and Juliet did her usual "eat as much candy as possible while there are no rules or restrictions on allowable amounts". 
 Teddy had a great first Halloween!

 I had to include some pictures of the Daddy/Daughter Dance. Although it was SUPER hot, we all had a lot of fun!

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