Saturday, November 24, 2018

Teddy is SEVEN months old!

Bearsy Boy!

Your name is ever evolving--you've been Teddy, T. Bear, Bear, Prince, and now I mostly call you Bearsey Boy. Like Juliet, we joke that you probably have no idea what your name is. I remember taking a walk with Leah and Juliet when Juliet was around your age. We kept asking Leah what her name was. She kept answering with all her nicknames--Boo? J. Boo? Jelly Bean? Like Juliet, I'm sure you will learn your name one day.

You are SEVEN months old. How the hell is this possible?

It’s been quite the month. I went back to work. I had talked myself into it being (mostly) okay. While I’m no longer half-time, I am able to come home for close to an hour each day at lunch and only have about a 3 minute commute each way. I try to look at my day as (first part) and (last part). Both parts are only about 3-3.5 hours each. It all sounds good on paper, or in my head, but it’s been hard. I miss you. I know it’s not rational, but I get super jealous on the time you spend with Daddy. It is nice being with your sisters, though, and seeing more of their day.

Anyway, enough about me! This month you continue to be completely awesome. At our last pediatrician appointment, you were about 22 pounds. Your height and weight were both somewhere in the 90-95 percentile. Your head was even bigger! You didn't like the shots and cried, but weren't bothered by them at all that night or the next day (unlike last time).
You have a great head of hair that everyone always compliments you on. Somehow, it often looks styled. It’s getting longer, too. Long enough to sometimes flop over your ears which always makes me smile. You still have about 5 super long hairs on the top of your head that are about 3 inches longer than all the other hairs.

You spend your days napping, playing with toys, trying to put everything into your mouth, eating, and nursing. You rarely fuss. Your favorite foods this month are: meatballs, meatloaf, and butternut squash. Daddy fed you puffs one day when I was late getting home and you apparently were totally in love with them.

You are happy everywhere you go. You just smile and look around. You think the world is a pretty great place which amuses me to no end. Leah was always so skeptical of everything and Juliet spent her infancy only happy if she was in my arms. Your mama and dada try to avoid random people as much as possible.

While you definitely love your Mama and Dada, you will happily play on your own and don’t mind your car seat on most days. You still think your sisters are pretty funny and love when they give you lots of love!

The girls really like helping to make your board and taking your pictures each month. This month Juliet jumped in with her camera and Leah was helping her pose Teddy and hold the board. It was pretty cute!

 You still wear a size 3 diaper. You still have only 2 bottom teeth, but I can see that the top two teeth aren't far away from dropping down. You now have mastered a very sloppy crawl. Sometimes it looks like you are swimming. Sometimes you end up going backwards on accident. Sometimes your arms get stuck. But, nine times out of ten you can army crawl your way over to where you want to be. Your favorite things to crawl to are toy balls and cars and the stick we use to help lock the door-wall. 
 You wanted to play with this frame. And then you got super tired and needed a nap ASAP so this was all we got. 
 We love you so, so much Teddy Bear. There are still multiple times each week where I look at you and are completely overwhelmed with gratitude and love from my head to my toes. You are everything we could have ever wanted in a baby boy. Happy SEVEN month birthday, Bearsey Boy! 

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