Sunday, January 6, 2019


 Our family tradition is that the kids can open their presents from each other after dinner on Christmas Eve. They look forward to it all day and have SO MUCH FUN picking out presents for each other. It's super sweet to see. 
 Teddy took his time with his presents. He really enjoyed the wrapping paper. He had been trying to bang on the presents and open them for weeks. He wasn't sure what to do now that he finally had the opportunity to open them without being stopped. 

 Bright and early (but not too early--like 8:30), these guys were up and ready to go!
 I had Teddy's stocking embroidered, but took Leah's so they could match the thread and font. I thought we could pick them up on Saturday, December 22. THEY WERE CLOSED UNTIL JANUARY 6th! My bad! That place isn't open on weekends, and, of course, Leah was totally devastated that he stocking was gone for Christmas.  Luckily, we had the ones my mom made Chris and I years ago, and my old stocking from when I was a baby. They were bigger than the other ones, so Leah slowly came around to using them. Juliet decided she didn't want to be stuck with a smaller stocking, so she used one, too. 

 Big winners this year were: Books (of course, for Leah), Herminone costume (Juliet), make-up (Leah and Juliet),  new clothes (Leah and Juliet), and food truck (Teddy).

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