Wednesday, January 30, 2019

January Phone Photo Dump

 There has never been a boy who loves his dog more than Teddy. Teddy seeks him out often to climb all over and cuddle with. Ollie isn't the biggest fan of this (he's obviously always preferred Chris and I to the kids--though he clearly still loves them fiercely), but Ollie tolerates it like an absolute champ because he knows Teddy will share all his food with him. Obviously we encourage Teddy to be gentle and watch them carefully while they are together. 
 Juliet lost BOTH front teeth. I equal parts love this look and hate that in a few short months she will have a complete set of big person teeth, and will never quite look the same again. 
 One the snow day Leah and Juliet went out to clear the patio for Ollie. Teddy thought it was great fun to watch them shovel. They both earned $1 and a hot chocolate with "the works" (whipped cream, marshmallows, and chocolate sauce) for their hard work.
 Juliet was inspired by the "Chagall Windows" in Chicago. She made her own from the insert in Teddy's new dock-a-tot. 
 We had a big play date complete with cookie making and decorating that the kids did 97% completely on their own. 
 We did a big Ninja Warrior event with Leah's Girl Scout troop in Livonia. It was a lot of fun. 
After we went to the doctor for the 423 time this month, Teddy and I went to McDonalds so I could get an egg and cheese sandwich (my favorite!). I got him a kid cheeseburger and he ate the ENTIRE patty. 
 Waking up is hard. We've been trying to teach Leah to be more cuddly in the morning. So far it's working a little bit. Nothing I love more than cuddling my sleeping/sleepy children (see evidence below). 
 We did another field trip to the Apple Store. The girls coded. They had fun, but both my kids hit the sick wall on the way home and fell asleep. Chris ended up taking Juliet to urgent care at like 8 that night.  
 Bear got a walker as a treat for having croupe. He likes it a lot and does some great walking while using it!  
 Just lookin' cute after a bath. 
 Cousin make-up session! 

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