Saturday, May 23, 2020

Celebrations in Quarantine - Happy 2nd Birthday, Teddy!

 Look at this picture of Brain! He looks so young and dapper! This was during one of my staff meetings.
For my birthday, the girls made me and Chris crowns. We had Mexican delivered and it was yummy! My birthday pretty much sucked besides that. Chris worked a lot. The weather sucked. A house that I was watching closely that I loved sold during complete real estate lock-down. At night, we realized our hot water heater had broke and Chris was trying to deal with that. 
Teddy's birthday was much better! Teddy Bear turned 2 years old. He got a cupcake for breakfast and a present after each meal. He was very excited. For lunch, I braved going through the McDonalds drive thru to get him a happy meal. Teddy loves blueberries, yogurt, macaroni and cheese/buttered noodles, stale bread we save for the ducks, and cheeseburgers. He loves chocolate milk and juice. He loves to push the boundaries of where the sippy cup is allowed in our house, and tries to bring it into the living room. Teddy likes to be sneaky in general. 
I worry that Teddy has gone feral during this quarantine. He watches more TV than I'd like. He's gone through several phases of favorite movies. When it started, it was Moana and we watched it every night. Then it transitioned to Frozen and Frozen 2. Then it changed to Muppet Babies for a brief minute. Then to Toy Story 4. Then Monsters Inc and Monsters University. Now we seem to be in a Cars phase- primarily the original and the shorts. We watch a movie every night now! 

It's a lot to manage 2 working parents, 2 school aged kids who need help with distance learning, and a toddler. But, he's so stinking cute and I just can't imagine being stuck in quarantine without him!
For his birthday presents, Teddy got a Maui hook, some new golf clubs (he immediately ripped off the club and prefers them as "sticks"), a play guitar, and probably some monster trucks. Monster trucks are his favorite. I wish the world was open and we could take him to a Monster Jam!
Teddy LOVES to play outside and loves to take baths and play with water. He loves to dig in the mulch and mud. He doesn't care at all if he's filthy. He LOVES to roar and scare us like Sully from Monsters Inc. He also likes to tell us what sounds different animals make. His cat is especially good! 

We were so worried about his speech, but it seems to be coming along more. His favorite words are, "mama", "dada", "NO", "OW!" (His sisters taught him to say that if he is at all annoyed with who is in his personal space), "please" and sometimes even "pretty please" and "mote" for remote. He loves to talk about the dog and cats. He can say "Leah" like "Ee-ah". He's working on Juliet's name. When he wants to play he will say, "play!". He's starting to put a few 2 word phrases together which always makes us cheer! Like Juliet when she was young, I think we understand him more than others, but that's okay and normal. 

All well visits have been postponed, but I assure you that Teddy is a beast. He has the biggest baby hands that we've ever seen-we call them meat-hooks. He wears almost all 2T with some 3T mixed in. He can totally fart on command (which he does every morning much to his own amusement), and I think we could potty train him now if we really committed.
 Teddy would spend all day, every day outside if possible. Failing that, he's like to be building, climbing on, and destroying forts. He loves to push around the play shopping cart, lawn mower, and baby carriage (especially if Tilly is inside!). He loves all animals. He loves to wrestle with Daddy in bed after he wakes up. 
 Teddy thinks quarantine is the best. He loves having us all around. We wonder what he thinks about how drastically our lives have changed. In the beginning of quarantine, he would stand by the car and whine. We would sometimes drive around, but not stop. He got sick of that pretty fast. He seems to understand that Chris works during the day, not that he watches his volume when Chris is on a call! 
 Teddy absolutely loves to blow out candles. It's so sweet to see. 
 I wanted this boy for so long. I tried to get pregnant with him for over 2 years. It's crazy how that time now seems so short, though at the time it was felt like it was going on forever. It seems like he's always been here. We love him so. 
Happy SECOND Birthday, Bearsey Boy!

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