Saturday, May 23, 2020

Early Quarantine

 We spent/spent a lot of time outside. Even when it was cold. One of Teddy's favorite words is, "side" for "outside". He gets so happy to go outside each day! 

 Juliet got a new bike! She was using Leah's old one, and it was officially dunzo. She really likes her new bike. Especially the basket. Both girls also got new helmets that are "cool" (new helmet not pictured). The loud, Lisa Frank(ish) phase is slowly heading out and it makes both Chris and I so sad! 
 Leah caught a toad! 

 He's always so dirty! His favorite thing are "sticks" which are play golf ball clubs. He always wants to rip off the club part. He just carries them around, happy as a clam. 
 We set up treats for our delivery drivers. We get a lot delivered now! They are appreciative!
 Leah is a pogo queen!

 Typical Teddy.

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