Sunday, January 31, 2021

Teddy Bear Update

I'm awful at keeping the blog updated. But I really wanted to write down a little about my Teddy Bear. He's at such a fun age, and I don't want to forget any of it. 

We were worried about his speech for so long. We had him evaluated last winter right before Covid hit, and he didn't show any deficit or qualify for any support. Then he stayed pretty stagnant for a few months. Towards the end of last summer, we started hearing more words. Then strands of words. Now he will repeat anything you tell him and speaks mostly in (short) sentences! He knows all of his animals and sounds and loves to make random farm animal sounds if he's in trouble. He can identify several letters and tell you their sound.  Some of our favorite Teddy-isms are when we ask if he's doing something naughty, or wants to go somewhere, he replies, "Yeah do!". Whenever you call him any sort of name (like "Bear"), he replies, "No, I Teddy!". He still calls his beloved chocolate milk "chalk". He calls his sisters his "Ya-ya's" and loves to tattle on them! He knows their names, and will say them, but very much prefers to call them his "Ya-ya's". When he gets in the bath he loudly calls, "GIRLS!". He loves when they join him. 

Yes, his hair is long. We were all a little tired of the bangs, so we are giving a go growing them out. Sometimes lets us put his hair in a high half pony tail. Sometimes we gel it back. Most of the time he ends up walking around like a muppet with his hair covering his eyes. He tips his head back to see and it's pretty funny. It will get worse before it gets better, but then hopefully it will be his best look yet. He gets so many compliments on his hair. I want to keep it long for as long as he's on board. Currently, he is pretty clear that he doesn't want his hair cut (though I do trim the back-if I didn't it would easily be down to his butt by now). 
Teddy is all boy. He loves monster trucks, wrestling, chasing, crashing things, and making a lot of noise. But he is also very loyal to his mama. I can't eat a meal or watch a show without him sitting on my lap. He gives THE BEST kisses, but he's stingy with them. He's also a good boy who hates to get in trouble. He does not like time out - unless he's the one telling his sisters to go to time out. He's stubborn, too, MUCH more than either Leah or Juliet ever were at this age. It's a little scary to think about that. 
Teddy's favorite game is called MINE! And that basically means that Chris and Teddy fight over a random object yelling, "MINE!".  Apparently this started once when they were playing outside with a stick. This usually turns into a wrestling match. Teddy loves this game. If Chris doesn't want to play, Teddy comes and tattles to me to see if I can talk him into it. If Chris still resists, Teddy just tries to take off his glasses to get the event started himself.  

Teddy's favorite Christmas present was a remote control monster truck. I think it was his grandpa's least favorite gift of all time. Teddy LOVES this truck!
It's a strange new world with Covid, and I worry that Teddy has become a bit antisocial. He's definitely unsure around newcomers. He was very blessed to have his entire family at home with him for almost 9 straight months. I finally went back to work in January, and it's a little bit of an adjustment for all of us. We joked at the start of Covid that Teddy understood social distancing better than Leah and Juliet. He would naturally back up and keep distance when the girls did not. He was also AWFUL at wearing a mask for a long time. He'd cry and rip it off. He's gotten much better and now thankfully leaves it on most of the time without issue. Not that he really goes anywhere. But he did great in Florida when we were out more. 
Teddy LOVES to be outside. In Florida we'd stay outside all day and he'd still complain about leaving the beach or wherever we were. It sucks to be in Michigan in the winter and have to basically quarantine due to Covid. He can't go anywhere or play outside much in the cold weather. He watches WAY too much TV, but what are you going to do? It will be better when the weather warms up and/or Covid gets more under control.
Teddy's favorite shows are: Blaze, PJ Masks, and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. He still likes to watch Cars, Toy Story movies, and Big Hero Six on occasion. Sadly, he no longer loves Moana or Frozen like he used to. At night when Chris and I try to watch our own thing, he just starts singing the PJ Mask opening song and looking at us hopefully. It is adorable!
Teddy's favorite foods are currently popcorn, blueberries, and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. He loves cookies when get can get one. He also loves chocolate milk and ice. He will happily sit there with a bowl of ice and munch on it while watching a movie. At night he just wants water and drinks like a camel. 
Teddy's got some big goals ahead in the next few months: potty training, maybe starting preschool or doing an activity once it's safe, and sleeping in his own bed at night.

Teddy is such a light and I look at him daily thinking about how the years of trying for him and sadness were all worth it. He makes us all smile and say, "aww!" on a daily basis.

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