Sunday, October 4, 2020

Beginning of Fall

Teddy got a RED RACE CAR bed (which he loves to say!). He's a big boy sleeping there for naps everyday now. He's in an especially attached to Mama phase right now, so we are allowing him to stay with us at night for now, but his time is ending soon. 
This was a fun assignment that Juliet had!

We went to the Apple Orchard. Another fun experience that we are glad we still got to have. We didn't do cider or donuts due to the long line and lack of social distancing, but we had a great time picking apples!

There was no dance season and no recital so the girls wore their costumes over to Robin's for pictures. They turned out great!

And now it feels like it's officially fall! We hope to stay safe and hope the virus doesn't get as bad as people are predicting. Fingers crossed!


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