Monday, August 8, 2011

Pool Girl!

Leah loved, loved, loved the pool. This first night we got there, she was splashing around in the pool until 11:45! She would ask to go into the pool several times each day. Even in the evening, when her lips were blue and she would be shivering, she would refuse to get out. We would try to bribe her with an Elmo's World, and she would just look at us, double point her fingers, and say, "no, pool!" She kept trying to drink the pool water, which really grossed out Daddy. She had her mouth open the entire week!

Daddy told Leah that "girls have to wear hats in the pool". She seemed to buy it!

Leah liked Lucia's floatie better than her own. Doesn't it always happen like that?

Leah was excited to combine two of her favorite things, drawing and swimming!

This week left me ready for our own family pool! It was amazing to see how much Leah enjoyed swimming! What a big girl!

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