Monday, August 29, 2011

Second Birthday Celebration

We celebrated Leah's second birthday by going to the Toledo Zoo. Leah loves animals, so we knew it would be the perfect birthday treat. We dressed her up in a fancy birthday tutu (because she is two-two), and headed down to Toledo.

Leah really enjoyed the frogs in the amphibian house. She kept saying, "tickle, tickle froggie". She didn't care for any of the larger reptiles, though. This little froggie was the perfect size for our Sassy.

Leah liked sitting on the monkey. Daddy kept insisting that we call it a gorilla, but Sassy would correct him by saying monkey.

We packed a nice lunch to eat at the zoo. Sassy enjoyed a PBJ, cheese, chickadees, and kiwi for her second birthday lunch.

One of the big selling points of the Toledo Zoo is the baby elephant, Lucas. Leah really enjoyed the elephants. We went to see them twice because she liked them so much.

Mama and Baby Lucas. Pretty cute.

Leah also really liked the aquarium. She didn't like any of the mean or larger looking fish, but she really liked the colorful fish. She would stand on the ledge and say, "see, fishie, Mama? Whooooaaa!"Leah also liked the hippos. They were feeling frisky and playing right by the glass. At first Sassy was nervous, but then she thought they were great fun.

Leah hit a wall towards the end of the trip. I really wanted a birthday picture, but she wasn't having it. Oh well. We were at the zoo for almost 4 hours (which is impressively long with a 2 year old), and she was having 100% fun for 3 hours and 56 minutes. I won't begrudge her for not allowing a family picture (I'll just know to get it earlier in the trip next time!).

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