Friday, July 6, 2012


 Aunt Nicole invited us to her new house to watch the fireworks. She had a great Mexican spread to enjoy as well. Sassy had fun chasing her kitties and playing with her cousins. I enjoyed a margarita and a nice walk. Juliet was awake almost the entire visit, surveying the new environment. I could only get her to nap when I strapped her to me in the Moby (in the 85 degree weather) and walked with her. I was all hot and sticky! Apparently the night exhausted her, though, because she slept from 12:30 am to 8:30 am! 8 straight hours! I, of course, was up every 20 minutes making sure she wasn't a victim of SIDS. This doesn't seem to be her new normal, though, she has returned to her regular schedule since Tuesday. 
 Thanks for having us over, Aunt Nicole! We had a great time! 

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