Saturday, July 14, 2012

Play Date

The girls had another play date with Lukey and Anna. Juliet and Anna had another photo shoot. This one went much better than the last. Both girls allowed for several pictures before they got fussy. Juliet no longer looks like an Indian baby compared to Anna. They liked wearing their matching outfits and posing on the couch. 
Leah and Lukey played together. There were a couple of games of tug of war over the Sesame Street bus, but they played nicely other than that. Leah kept taking her favorite toys and nonchalantly hiding them in the laundry room.  It was kinda funny. 
 What they really enjoyed doing was standing in buckets of water. 
Thanks for playing, friends! See you soon! 

1 comment:

Lucas said...

Leah, you made quite the impression on Lukey. Every time we get in the car he says, "I see Leela?" He then gets mad when he realizes that we're not going to "Leela's" house. We'll have to come visit again sometime soon!