Wednesday, August 29, 2012

3 is the Age to Be!

 We celebrated Sassy's birthday this weekend. On Saturday we went back to the Hands-On Mueseum. We actually bought a membership because I know it will be a place that Sass will enjoy going to regularly. We went out to lunch at Leo's to get Sassy's favorite lunch (chicken and fries with a cup of chocolate milk). After a nice nap we went to Uncle Andy's housewarming party where Sassy watched a Muppet movie, ate 3 cupcakes and countless gummy sharks, and sang karaoke. 
 On Sunday Sassy got to go swimming at the pool with Daddy and make cupcakes with Mommy. 
 On Monday I took Sass to get a manicure. We went out to dinner at Sassy's favorite restaurant (Olga's) which is also where we went for her 2nd birthday. Daddy was pretty birthdayed out. Sass had been taking advantage of the loosened rules. 
 The important thing is that Sassy had a great birthday. She is a lucky little girl and we count ourselves as lucky parents to have the pleasure of raising her. 
 As you can see she's holding her Rapunzel doll in these pictures. In our house, it is all Rapunzel all the time now. I told her she was getting a Rapunzel doll as a birthday present and that it would come in the mail. For days she would just keep repeating, "The doorbell is going to ring. Rugen is going to say woof woof. And you know what it's going to be? And you know what it's going to be? My Rapunzel dolly!" She watches Tangled every morning. She has 2 Tangled books and insists on reading them over and over. She says she wants to be Tangled for Halloween and doesn't want a haircut before school begins because she wants long hair like Rapunzel. I miss Sesame Street. 

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