Saturday, August 18, 2012

Happy 3 Months!

 Jelly Belly Boo Boo,

You are such a happy girl. You just needed some time for Mommy and Daddy to figure out your "requirements". They are as follows:

1. Mommy cannot, under any circumstances, eat dairy. And, Mommy, do not even bother trying to see if Jelly Bean has outgrown the intolerance. She hasn't. And probably never will. 

2. Juliet will ride in a car, and be reasonably happy if Mommy sits in the backseat and alternates between holding in the Nukie and making silly faces. 

3. Do not try to put Juliet down when she is sleeping, unless it is nighttime. Juliet WILL wake up and be angry.

4. Hold Juliet as much as possible. Putting her down will result in the bottom lip being stuck out and hysterical crying (often without tears--tell tale sign it is a fake cry). 
You are just a little Diva, Jelly Bean. It's okay. We happily fold to your demands. We are treated to an abundance of smiles, happy screeching, and cooing when you are happy. 
 I think I've spent the past 3 months comparing you to your sister. Sometimes I say in horror, "Leah NEVER did that!" and sometimes I say, "Leah didn't do that until she was ______ weeks!" Here are the major differences between you and Big Sissy.

1. Sissy slept without being held. She loved her swing and would happily nap in it for hours at a time. Your body starts contorting uncomfortably the minute we try to lay you in it, and you awake within a few minutes of being put down. (Point: Leah)

2. You actually sleep at night! Most nights you sleep until at least 3 am, often to 5am. Sassy awoke every 1 to 2 hours EVERY night until she was over a year old. (Point: Juliet)

3. Leah loved the car. Went right to sleep every time. I only had to sit in the backseat with her once or twice as an infant, and never again until we went to NC the summer before her 1st birthday. You hate the car. You do okay if I sit in the backseat with you, but, again, your body starts contorting uncomfortably the second I try to put you in the seat. (Point: Leah) 

4. You are actually pretty easy to get to sleep. A little boob or Nuk, and you go down with little to no fight most nights. We had to bounce Leah for hours on end to get her to sleep. (Point: Juliet) 

 This was a big month for you, Little One. We started to venture back into the outside world with you. This month you went to the Museum, Farm, and Zoo. You attended 3 parties. You like going to new places. You stay awake and alert for as long as possible. You get too tired and we can tell because you start to drool like crazy. I actually ordered you some bibs (personalized, of course) due to the drooling. Don't worry though, we thoroughly scrub you down after being in the outside world. We are still anal with hand washing. You being sick so early was traumatizing for all of us. 
You still wear size 1 diapers and 0-3 month clothing (though the one piece rompers are beginning to get a little snug).  You legs are starting to get nice and rolly. You have filled out and no longer look quite so fragile. 
 We love you so, so much Jelly Belly Boo! We can't imagine our family without you. Happy 3 months!

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