Friday, August 17, 2012

Three Year Post

 Leah Loo,

I can't believe you are (almost) three years old! We had your party a few weeks early to make it easier for your aunts to attend. Also, Mommy is starting a new school (again) and we know how busy those weeks before school can be. You loved your party! You had so much fun being the center of attention. 
You remain a true character. Right now you are telling Juliet, "I'm a little busy right now. I can't play." You are drawing on Post-It notes and decorating your play refrigerator. When Daddy asked you to move over a few days ago you replied, "You can't tell me to move over!" You are so funny. Daddy and I keep saying, "To be a fly on the wall when she starts school...." We know you will do great though. Yesterday we went to drop off some forms at the school and you were very disappointed we couldn't stay. You kept saying, "I want to stay and meet my teachers. And do what the teacher says. And tell them when I have to use the potty!" You are more than ready for school, and we are so glad we waited to send you. 

 In other news, you are a HORRIBLE sleeper. Lately, Daddy and I spend hours trying to get you to go to sleep. You will lay there silently and still, but not go to sleep. We're trying to get you to go to sleep on your own, but you are none to fond of the idea. After an hour plus of laying with you, and you are still not asleep, we know we are in trouble. You've kept us up past midnight...We have left you in bed crying a few times now. It breaks Mommy's heart to hear your cry, so that is the method of last resort. Mommy physically starts dry heaving when listening to you cry and say, "I KNOW YOU CAN HEAR ME!" through the monitor. We have tried the "Super Nanny" tactics of standing in the hall with our backs to you, not engaging in conversation. I feel like we have tried every trick. None of them work. We brought up a clock from Mommy's school that shows time in red fraction-like intervals. It is our newest attempt. I'll let you know how it goes next month. Ha! We still love you, though! 
You are just like your Mommy and love "new" things. When you get something new, you talk about it for a long time, "I put on my NNNEEEEWWWW running shoes"... When things are old, you will scowl and say "that's old!"

You are still really into art. Most days you paint. You really like to look at your booklet of artwork that we put together. You say, "I'm looking at my artwork!" 

You are still the sweetest, best, big sister there ever was. You love Juliet and love spending time with her. You display no jealousy and love cuddling with her and Mama every morning and after each nap. 

Mommy and Daddy love you so, so much and are so proud of you. We are so thankful you are our daughter. 

Love, Always, Forever, Promise
Mommy and Daddy 

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