Tuesday, September 4, 2012

A "Real Baby"

 Juliet is turning into a real baby! She is learning how to sit, perfecting rolling over, and even trying to creep. In fact, we had to take down the swing because I watched Juliet come within a few inches of flipping out of the thing. It was sad to see the swing go. Leah Loo loved that swing, she would sleep in it for hours. I remember when my mom was helping with the crib transition at naps. For those first few weeks she would log 15 minutes (crib), 10 minutes (crib), 21 minutes (crib), 3 hours (swing). Leah loved napping in there. Juliet never liked it. At all. Oh well. 
 Leah thought that Juliet trying to creep was hilarious, she kept asking if she could pick up her feet and help her wheelbarrow herself across the living room.  

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